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Cytiva Sera-Xtracta™ HMW DNA Kit

High yield extraction of high-molecular-weight genomic DNA from blood, buffy coat, saliva, cultured mammalian cells and solid tissue with a simplified protocol.

Supplier:  Cytiva 29429140

Catalog No. 09-920-067

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Sera-Xtracta™ HMW DNA Kit offers magnetic bead-based extraction and purification of genomic DNA from whole blood (treated with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), citrate or heparin), buffy coat, saliva, cultured mammalian cells and solid tissue samples. The extraction protocols are designed to efficiently remove contaminants and PCR inhibitors while minimizing shearing, resulting in high quality high-molecular-weight genomic DNA with minimal RNA carryover.

  • Suitable for long-read sequencing: Isolates high-molecular-weight DNA > 200 kb.
  • Efficient scale-up and flexibility: Provides robust chemistry for sample input volumes from 200 μL – 2 mL.
  • Efficient removal of inhibitors to give high purity genomic DNA: Typical purity ratio (A260/A280 and A260/A230) of > 1.7.
  • Automation friendly reagents and easy to use protocols
  • Simplified protocol minimizes the co-purification of RNA.
  • Compatible with molecular biology techniques, including next-generation sequencing (NGS), cloning, restriction enzyme digestion, PCR amplification and genotyping applications.

The kit uses chaotropic agents to extract DNA from samples, denature protein components and promote the selective binding of DNA to the silica-coated magnetic beads. Proteinase K is the protease of choice to digest protein from samples, because it is active even when enzyme inhibitors such as EDTA and detergents are present in samples. Denatured contaminants are easily removed by subsequent washing of the silica beads with an ethanolic buffer set. The purified genomic DNA is eluted in a low ionic strength buffer at a concentration suitable for most downstream molecular biology applications.



Proteinase K 60 mg (dried); Lysis buffer 22 mL; Silica-coated magnetic beads 1.5 mL; Binding buffer 26 mL; Wash 1 buffer AQ 120 mL; Wash buffer 2 AQ 30mL; gDNA Elution buffer 14mL. Store at room temperature.
100 μL
96 Purifications
Approx. 12 μg binding capacity based on specified 15 μL aliquot of supplied magnetic bead suspension = 1.5 mg beads at 100 mg/mL
Proteinase K 3mL, Lysis buffer 22mL, Silica-coated magnetic beads: 1.6mL, Binding buffer 26mL, Wash buffer 1 AQ 120mL, Wash buffer 2 AQ 30mL, gDNA Elution buffer 14mL
Purity ratio (A260/A280) > 1.7
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