Chicken, Whole Blood, Na Heparin, Donor, Gender Unspecified, 100 Ml
Chicken, Whole Blood, Alsevers, Donor, Gender Unspecified, 50 Ml
Chicken whole blood is aseptically collected and prepared to order from our colony of animals. These cell suspensions are useful for the titration of complement, adsorption procedures, testing for agglutinins/HA assays, and for the preparation of stroma as particulate reagents. Chicken red blood cells are perishable and are collected and processed upon receipt of your order.
Chicken, Whole Blood, Na Citrate, Donor, Gender Unspecified, 50 Ml
Chicken, Whole Blood, K2 Edta, Donor, Gender Unspecified, 100 Ml
The Swine IL-22 Biotinylated yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Swine IL-22 Biotinylated applications are for cell culture. Control. Swine IL-22 Biotinylated yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Swine IL-22 Biotinylated Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 18.0 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: VPITHHCKLD QSNFQQPYIT NRTFTLAQEA SLADNNTDVR LIGNNLFQGV NMRERCYLVK QVLNFTLEEV LFPNSDRFHP YMQEVASFLD SLSKKLSQCR IKGDDQHIQR NVNNFKDTVK KLGESGEIKV IGELYLLFMA LKNECTLPGH SWKMDN (156)) (Gene ID: 595104). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Canine IL-1 beta Biotinylated yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Canine IL-1 beta Biotinylated applications are for cell culture. Control. Canine IL-1 beta Biotinylated yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Canine IL-1 beta Biotinylated Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 17.5 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: AAMQSVDCKLQDISHKYLVLSNSYELRALHLNGENVNKQVVFHMSFVHGDESNNKIPVVLGIKQKNLYLSCVMKDGKPTLQLEKVDPKVYPKRKMEKRFVFNKIEIKNTVEFESSQYPNWYISTSQVEGMPVFLGNTRGGQDITDFTMEFSS) (Gene ID: 403974). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Canine IFN gamma Biotinylated yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Canine IFN gamma Biotinylated applications are for cell culture. Control. Canine IFN gamma Biotinylated yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Canine IFN gamma Biotinylated Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 16.7 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: QAMFFKEIEN LKEYFNASNP DVSDGGSLFV DILKKWREES DKTIIQSQIV SFYLKLFDNF KDNQIIQRSM DTIKEDMLGK FLNSSTSKRE DFLKLIQIPV NDLQVQRKAI NELIKVMNDL SPRSNLRKRK RSQNLFRGRR ASK (143)) (Gene ID: 403801). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Egyptian Rousette Bat IL-1 beta yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Egyptian Rousette Bat IL-1 beta applications are for cell culture, ELISA standard, and Western Blot Control. Egyptian Rousette Bat IL-1 beta yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Egyptian Rousette Bat IL-1 beta Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 18.4 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: SCTHDDGYVC DAPLRSLSFR LRDINQKSLV LSGPHELQAL HLNRQDASRQ VVFCMSFMPE ENGDKIPVAL GIKENNLYLS CVMKDGKPSL QLETVYLEDQ SKMDRRFVFN KTEIKGKVEF ESALYPSWYI STSQMEQMPV FLGSSRGGQD ITDFTMEVLS R (161)) (Gene ID: 107514900). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Ferret/Mink Leukemia Inhibitory Factor yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Ferret/Mink Leukemia Inhibitory Factor applications are for cell culture, ELISA standard, and Western Blot Control. Ferret/Mink Leukemia Inhibitory Factor yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Ferret/Mink Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 19.7 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence TPLPITPVNA TCATRHPCHS NLMNQIRNQL AQLNGSANAL FILYYTAQGE PFPNNLDKLC GPNVTDFPPF HANGTEKTRL VELYRIIAYL GASLGNITRD QKVLNPNALS LHSKLNATAD ILRGLLSNVL CRLCNKYHVA HVDVAYGPDT SGKDVFQKKK LGCQLLGKYK QVIAVVAQAF (180)) (Gene ID: 101674557). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Equine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Equine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor applications are for cell culture, ELISA standard, and Western Blot Control. Equine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Equine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 21.3 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: SPLPITPDNA TCATRHPCHS NLMDQIRNQL VQLNSSANAL FILYYTAQGE PFPSNLDKLC RPDVTDFPPF HANGKEKARL VELYRIIAYL GASLGNITRD QKVLNPNALS LHSKLNATSD TMRGLLSNVL CHLCSKYHVA NVDVAYGPDT SNKDVFQKKK LGCQLLGKYK QVIAVVAQAF QTGDLEAYSD PRS (193)) (Gene ID: 100629131). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Swine IL-8 yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Swine IL-8 applications are for cell culture, ELISA standard, and Western Blot Control. Swine IL-8 yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Swine IL-8 Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 9.1 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: ARVSAELRCQ CINTHSTPFH PKFIKELRVI ESGPHCENSE IIVKLVNGKE VCLDPKEKWV QKVVQIFLKR TEKQQQQQ (78)) (Gene ID: 396880). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Ovine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Ovine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor applications are for cell culture, ELISA standard, and Western Blot Control. Ovine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Ovine Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 19.8 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence SPLPITPVNA TCATRHPCPS NLMNQIRNQL GQLNSSANSL FILYYTAQGE PFPNNLDKLC SPNVTDFPPF HANGTEKARL VELYRIIAYL GASLGNITRD QKVLNPYAHS LHSKLNATAD VLRGLLSNVL CRLCSKYHVS HVDVTYGPDT SGKDIFQKKK LGCQLLGKYK QVIAVLAQAF (180)) (Gene ID: 101110180). For research use only. Made in the USA
The Canine CTLA-4 yeast-derived recombinant protein is not tagged and is naturally endotoxin-free. The purity is greater than 98% as visualized by SDS-PAGE analysis. Canine CTLA-4 applications are for cell culture, ELISA standard, and Western Blot Control. Canine CTLA-4 yeast-derived recombinant protein can be purchased in multiple sizes. Canine CTLA-4 Specifications: (Molecular Weight: 13.4 kDa) (Amino Acid Sequence: KGMHVAQPAV VLASSRGVAS FVCEYGSSGN AAEVRVTVLR QAGSQMTEVC AATYTVEDEL AFLDDSTCTG TSSGNKVNLT IQGLRAMDTG LYICKVELMY PPPYYVGMGN GTQIYVIDPE PCPDSD (126)) (Gene ID: 403696). For research use only. Made in the USA