Determination of Factor VIII (antihemophilic factor) activity in human plasma.
For the quantitative determination of the activity of unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH).
Coagulation test for the quantitative determination of protein C activity in human plasma.
Determination of the functional activity of antithrombin III (AT III) in human plasma.
Determination of the functional activity of protein S in human plasma.
ISTH guideline recommended functional assay for detecting quantitative and qualitative VWF defects, using no Ristocetin
Heparin neutralizer in plasma to rule out heparin contamination in coagulation testing.
Quantative determination of protein C activity as an aid in the diagnosis of inherited and acquired deficiencies.
Type | Hemostasis Reagent |
For Use With (Application) | Thrombophilia Testing |
Quantative determination of α2-antiplasmin activity as an aid in the diagnosis of inherited or acquired deficiencies and in management of fibrinolytic therapy.
Simplified DRVV reagent to screen for the presence of Lupus Anticoagulants.
To aid in the detection of platelet dysfunction in citrated human whole blood.
Determination of heparin activity in plasma and for the monitoring of heparin therapy.
Quantitative determination of plasminogen activity as an aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of fibrinolytic disorders.